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An exciting, action-packed and fun group exercise class that blends the benefits of resistance weight training with cardio-kickboxing intervals. Utilizing bars and weight plates, every muscle of the body (large and small) is exercised in a systematic and safe manner to gain maximum strength. Each exercise involves performing 3 sets of progressively higher weight with less repetition that maximizes muscle “burn”. Brief intervals of optional high or low impact cardiovascular training bouts raise the bar to temporarily and safely raise the heart rate. Basic high intensity kick boxing moves involving the arms and legs is extremely invigorating! All classes begin with a safe and effective warm-up to prepare the body for total body workout. Instructor cues proper and safe technique in every class.



Muscular strength and endurance and improvement of the range of motion that is critical to performing the activities of every day life without pain or discomfort. Improving muscle strength through the full range of motion can avoid or prevent muscle ailments from every day reaching, lifting, pushing and pulling actions. Intervals of cardio exercise with weight training provides for a complete energetic workout that will burn calories fast.

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